Anodized aluminum has light weight.
It is used mostly for industrial purpose.
It is 30% harder than stainless steel. This has a long life span.
Even in high heat level the anodized finish will not be damaged because it has a melting point of 1,221 degree f.
Aluminum cookware is processed through hard anodized aluminum.
It is useful for many industries like automobile industry, commercial cookware, and medical field.
This is a bit more expensive than regular anodized aluminum.
Anodize can be done at home with the help of sulfuric acid.
Hard anodized aluminum is used because it has non toxic finish, cleaned easily, does not wear easily etc.
It is available in many colors but mostly black is used.
Hard anodized aluminum does not stick on the surface of the cookware.
If you have any queries relating to Chicago anodizing chemicals or IL anodizing chemicals just visit our site.
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